Success Secrets

3 Lies You Tell Yourself That Are Hijacking Your Success


Sometimes the only thing standing between you and success are a few lies.

In fact, the main reason why many of our dreams elude us is due to these lies that we keep telling ourselves, knowingly or unknowingly. Maybe we’re afraid of success, maybe we don’t think we deserve it, or maybe we don’t think it’s possible with our “limited” abilties. Whatever the reasons, if you get rid of the lies, pretty soon you’ll watch your dreams turn into your reality.

These are the 3 worst lies you tell yourself that are hijacking your success:

1.“I don’t know where to start.”

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: nobody actually “knows” where to start. Steve Jobs didn’t have anybody telling him exactly which step to take first, whether it was to release Macs, iPods or iPhones. Donald Trump didn’t drag his feet because he didn’t know which property to buy first.

Successful people get moving by making a decision and taking action, and they stop reminding themselves they don’t know where to start. Have you ever heard of the saying “perfect is the enemy of good?” This is exactly what we are talking about. If you wait until you have the perfect plan, you’ll miss hundreds of good plans that could have got you what you wanted.

Pay attention to this: “It is better to have imperfect action than it is to have perfect inaction.

If you want to see your dreams turn to reality, you’ve got to stop telling yourself you don’t know where to start.

2. “I don’t have any money.”

Listen up: you don’t need money to become a millionaire. You don’t even need to be brilliant. Look at Richard Branson. He started Virgin Records as teenager, when he was flat broke. He’s now worth $4.9 billion. And here’s the kicker: he has dyslexia.

If a dyslexic teenager with no money can become a billionaire, then you can stop telling yourself that being broke is an excuse.

And faster than you ever thought possible, you won’t have to think twice about your expenses – you’ll have enough money to live the high life.

3. “I can’t do this on my own.”

Sometimes you hear about great mentors who change people’s lives, and then you look around and wonder where your mentor is. The sad fact is, not everyone finds one. I’m still looking for mine too! 😉 But here’s the good news: people reach their dreams without mentors every day. Think about it: Whatever your goals, the very first person to reach that goal didn’t have a mentor. So you know it’s possible.

Here’s how to do it on your own:

Make Steve Jobs your mentor. Make Richard Branson your mentor. It can be Bill Gates, Chuck Norris, Albert Einstein, whichever is your field of interest.

They can be either living in the present or past, it doesn’t matter, and they are obviously not beside you.

But what you can do is to MODEL what they did to become successful.

If you can figure out what they did to be successful, you’ll see your deepest desires come true faster than you ever thought possible.

Actually, success experts have recently uncovered some uncanny similarities in what makes people like Steve Jobs successful…

It turns out, most millionaires, successful artists, and people living their dreams have one thing in common…

…and it’s not “hard work.”

They share a little-known secret about the brain.

If you’re interested, check out this free presentation to see how you can use their secret to make your own dreams become reality.




>>>REVEALED: The Jaw-Dropping Secret Behind Millionaire Success (HINT: It’s NOT Hard Work) 


Success Secrets

Wakeup Millionaire Review

Review of WakeUp Millionaire
by Patric Chan

Some self improvement books will only motivate you to achieve higher career levels or to be more open minded in your life. Let me introduce to you the greatest and latest self improvement ebook that leads you to the wealthy.

I have been looking for all sorts of self improvement stuff, thinking how ‘this one is different’ from the other. Yet, I usually end up disappointed again and again.

Do you know what I mean and how frustrated I was?

Until I treasured upon and surprised myself with the new self improvement book from Patric.

Many of us know that Patric Chan has a good reputation to deliver (even over-deliver) quality self improvement products.

That’s not something I would ever question.

However –

It was a big WOW in my thoughts and I was impressed by his new released self improvement book.

Patric provides a good ideal blueprint of how exactly to become a millionaire….

I believe the testimonials that he has given really caught everyone’s attention and help (even ordinary people like you and me!) with his own journey to become a millionaire. I believe you can achieve that too.

Which means, you can still achieve financial success from his new book if you have nothing…. Starting from zero, you have no ideas, no clues, no one to help you, no opportunities etc.

Of course, if you have some financial achievement, you can see results even quicker!!

In Patric’s book, he even included some great bonuses such as “Creating Opportunities” which reveals Mark Victor Hansen’s phenomenal success in life and the Chicken Soup For The Soul series.

“A Billionaire’s Secret To Wealth” with Bill Bartmann, a self-made billionaire that reveals his 3 ultimate success principles that will make you wealthy.

“Rewiring Your Brain For Success” with John Assaraf, featured speaker in The
Secret reveals how our brain works to visualize and attract money into your life.

You see, it’s all ready for you to achieve financial success!
The WakeUp Millionaire is a powerful 91-page ebook that’s packed with content plus 3 exclusive
bonuses above and a special free bonus.

For this price, you’re getting a complete blueprint of how he became a millionaire and also included his current opportunities that he is tapping into right now… To me, it’s almost silly not to follow what he is doing to become a millionaire
ourselves. It’s truly a powerful, life-changing e-book.

The only thing that Patric doesn’t do is to get his hands dirty nor sit down and create the product
for you — but I do think that’s understandable since the price is so reasonable. 😉

If you order today, you can *LITERALLY* be taking orders in less than 30 days
from NOW.

Wakeup Millionaire

Check it out for yourself at

Success Secrets

The Science of Success behind the Abundance’s Secret

Have you heard of the famous DVD, “The Secrets”?

Do you believe in the “Law of Attraction?”

Do you know that there are a lot of similarities between the two, especially in the abundance of opportunity mindset from the Law of Attraction?

To make it short, I would like to conclude that the Law of Attraction is the belief of ‘like attracts like’. One will get negative or positive results by focusing on each thought respectively.

One will never run out of opportunities with the abundance of opportunity mindset. It is like sand by the beach or stars in the darkened sky. It is unlimited.

Since we could have unlimited opportunities in today’s time , we can ALWAYS create wealth whenever we want to.

It is just a question of whether you dare to be different and have the psychology to support yourself? It goes back to mastering CERTAINTY.

Would you agree there is an abundance of opportunities? If you agree, how do you attract them into your life?

Now, I would like to make it clear that opportunities are indeed in abundance. And, I am going to the rationality of this psychology- WHY do opportunities in abundance help you to become wealthy.

In this commercial world, you need some of products and resources to help you make profits and create a certain amount of wealth. Don’t you think that it is too much on your own?

NO ONE loves to work with those who are not confident and fearful in what they are doing. That’s what scarcity does to people – it injects fear in them. The problem of scarcity occurs that leads you into desperation mode. When you are desperate, you will only do stupid things and confuse your own judgement. Your opportunities will then fall into pieces.

Rather, I love being in abundance mode. It helps me to be free in emotion and mind to produced my creativity, happiness and energy. Creativity helps in ideas and expands on opportunities. Anyone of us needs happiness to achieve ANYTHING they want in life. It is certainly a sad case that needs fixing if you are unhappy with your current work.

I am happy when I wake up in the morning because I know I am free, I have the energy to do whatever I like. I’m not bound to other people’s rules. I master my own time. The secret is to master the psychology of abundance mindset.  You may always refer to the below website.

Note: This article was written by Patric Chan, the author of WakeUp Millionaire. Discover the simple method to start attracting abundance into your life and become a WakeUp Millionaire –>Wakeup Millionaire

Success Secrets

Three Great Secrets To Success

What makes some people more successful in life than others? What makes people happy? Are success and happiness linked ?

These are questions which has been asked for hundreds of years and many answers have been discovered and rediscovered over this time. Many of the main answers relate to how you think about yourself and the world around you and simply by changing how you think will start to have a dramatic effect on your life.

One of the first principles which you must accept is that you must take full responsibility for the events in your life. It is no use blaming other people, the government, your boss etc. for the things that are wrong in your life. You have total control over how you think and act and it is up to you to decide to be happy and successful. Happiness comes entirely from a state of mind. If you decide to be happy you will be. The more you think about happiness and success the more it will will happen. Once you accept this first point you can take many positive steps towards success.

Probably the most important of these can be summarized in the following three steps:

Assess your main target in life.

Choose a definite aim in life, one which you know is realistic for your talents and abilities, one which you know is something you really want to do and enjoy doing. Make up your mind that you will push as hard as possible towards that aim. To ensure success you must have a burning desire for this purpose and want to take the appropriate action to achieve this purpose. Write this aim down.

“Know what you want, when you want it, why you want it, and how you intend to get it.”

Set goals which are consistent with this target.

Goal setting is one of the most powerful ways to focus and achieve success. However goals must be in accordance with your main aim in life. If you strive for and achieve a goal which is not in line with your target, it will not help you to be happy even if you are generally successful. Goals can be of different length, short term, medium term or long term. Ideally have a mixture of all three. You should write your goals down, even this act alone will make it much more definite and much more likely to achieve. Read and review your goals often. Make your goals achievable and have at least some which you can see the path to achieving even if it’s not always clear how you will reach the longer term goals.

Take continuous action towards your goals.

Once your goals are written down aim to take definite actions towards these goals even if they are very small. It is essential to get into the habit of avoiding procrastination when you know there are tasks to be done. A great way to do this is to plan to only take a little action, sometimes as short as a few minutes at a time. Often this will get you going and you will devote more time to it than you originally planned, at other times you will realize that now is not such a good time, but you will have achieved a little bit towards your goal. Another great habit to adopt is to tackle the most difficult task first and get it out of the way. This usually makes all the rest of the task so much easier.

Following these easy three steps will have a very positive effect on your life and will dramatically improve your chances of success.

Success Secrets

The 4 Secrets To Success Wealth

Success means different things to different people. Success can involve personal development or achieving financial security. To others, success can be getting that ‘dream job’. To others, an achievement can be related to personal life or family. Success basically means the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted, and this may be in any aspect of one’s life.

In spite of the various ways through which success is defined, there are some common traits which successful people tend to have. Being successful requires a lot of discipline and commitment to work towards the attainment of the desired goals.

There are four specific factors which anyone will need to become successful.

1. Goals and plans. Successful people have clearly laid out goals which guide them along. These goals are broken down into measurable and achievable components, with the necessary actions for achieving these goals also stated. What do you want to achieve in one year, in two years? What exactly do you want to have? What will you need to do on a daily basis so that you can achieve those goals? If you want to become financially secure, maybe you need to start a home based business. What level of profits do you want to make with this business? What are you going to need to do to make this business a success and earn the money you want? All these questions must help you have clear goals and plans on what you want to achieve.

2. Optimism. Maintaining a positive attitude is very important because it will keep you motivated to work towards your goal. With a positive attitude, one can remain committed to the goals. Additionally, no temporary setbacks can discourage you; and you will not procrastinate doing what you must do to achieve your goals. A famous quote says “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” A positive attitude also builds up courage and determination to go ahead and achieve your goals, whether it’s personal development or financial freedom. “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

3. Focus. In order to be successful, you must have undivided attention towards your goals. Successful people pursue their goals with complete dedication and commitment, and all their energy is focused on their goals. If you want to achieve your goals and become successful, you must be focused on your vision and goals. Do not lose that vision. Being focused will also help you constantly assess your progress, and make any necessary adjustments along the way.

4. Perseverance. This means persistence in any thing undertaken; continued pursuit or prosecution of any business or enterprise begun. In order to be successful, you will need to be determined to achieve your goals. Your success will not happen overnight. Also, you will face some discouragement, and these must not stop you from working towards your goals.

These 4 qualities set apart those who succeed in reaching their goals and those who fail. If you want to become successful or wealthy, you must have these qualities. It is worth it to make all the necessary adjustments in your mindset and personality so that you will have what it takes to become successful. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment to be successful. These qualities will help you achieve your goals, be they starting your own business, financial security or personal development.

Success Secrets

9 Characteristics That Millionaire Business People Have In Common

In May 2005, Forbes magazine reported that there were 691 billionaires in the world. 1400 people across the world turn into millionaires every day. Want to become one of them? Of course you do. Everyone wants the freedom to do business in the way they choose. There is so much power in running your own business – and having a business that runs itself, which for many people is the ultimate goal.

Making money is not the only goal of becoming an internet millionaire – it’s about freedom.

Many people across the world are gifted with experiencing this freedom everyday. How can you become one of these people? What kind of life, and business, do you want to run? Would you like to be able to check your email from your private plane? These are the kinds of goals many people have in mind when they begin to forge ahead with their business ideas. But the truth is that the rich and the successful – the millionaires off and online – have about nine characteristics in common, not that different from a lot of people we all know. Most of them exhibit some or all of these. The truth is that we all have the potential for greatness – if we can train ourselves to keep this in mind as we go about our business day.

1. They don’t blame. Successful businesspeople don’t blame others. Instead of making excuses for bad outcomes, or reassigning responsibility to others, they take time to learn from their own mistakes.

2. They are decisive. Millionaire-types have a vision. They take quick, decisive action aligned with that vision. They’re action oriented, always pushing forward toward their goals.

3. They trust their intuition. If something seems like it’s not quite right, they trust that instinct. If an opportunity excites them and sounds like a great idea, they go for it.

4. They are singly focused on their CORE business. Successful entrepreneurs may be inspired by ideas, but they always remain true to their vision. They focus on opportunities that are aligned with their business’s purpose. If you sell retail products on eBay, don’t try real estate investing the next day. They don’t lose focus. They may sell their products on eBay, write articles, focus on joint ventures, and go to marketing seminars, but all of their efforts, and FOCUS, help them move toward their main goals.

5. They are marketing focused. Millionaires, including such giants as Bill Gates, understand the importance of building on their core business. They hire people with specialties in marketing. They work hard at building their email lists, gaining exposure, and are constantly looking for ways to reaching a wider audience. If you want to build a decent income, you sell products and services. If you want to be insanely rich, then you create and control markets. The key to your business, and creating phenomenal success, is marketing.

6. They understand the importance of continuing education. Successful businesspeople are always learning and drawing from other people’s experiences. They listen to how other people have achieved their success, especially if these people have expertise in another industry. They are constantly learning about new approaches and strategies, and thinking about how they can apply it to their own business.

7. They are not afraid of making mistakes. Any big company online will tell you that they’ve had their share of downfalls, even such giants as eBay or Craig’s List. Mistakes are building blocks for success – by making mistakes, you learn what works, and what doesn’t. You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going. We all make mistakes, and one of the most powerful things you can do is glean feedback from them. Feedback is a great way to learn from your customers and colleagues. You need to look at feedback and take it with a grain of salt – it helps you learn and grow. See your mistakes as learning lessons

8. They model their business for success. Internet millionaires model other people, strategies, and systems. They constantly look for models of success in everyday life and think about how to incorporate these lessons into their own strategy. They even look at their competition for answers. Whatever niche you’re in, subscribe to some industry newsletters, buy their products, and learn HOW they create success.

9. They build a team to rely on. No matter what stage you are in with your business, you’ve got to realize that you simply cannot do it all. You can’t be an expert in everything. You want to create a great team of people. How can you find them? Go to seminars and workshops. Hone your networking skills. You’ll often find that like minded people that are out there constantly learning and attending, seminars and workshops. Getting rich is a team sport. You have to have people that are cheering you on, encouraging your success.

These are some inherent characteristics of business millionaires.

Can you apply them to your business and your life, too? Of course you can. If you can keep these principles in mind, you’ve got the millionaire mindset. No, you aren’t going to get there overnight. Making a million dollars takes some time. You can’t make a million dollars if you haven’t made your first hundred. So focus on the first hundred, first thousand, and first hundred thousand. Thinking this way goes a long way toward your goals – finding success, gaining riches, and living the kind of life you want to live.