Building Wealth

The 3 Types of Income To Become A Millionaire

All of us need money for a living, and you don’t have to be a genius to know that more money makes your life easier. So in order to make more money, you need to take action, whether it’s a big giant step or baby ones.

So the question now is, how do you actually go about creating that wealth? The answer lies in having a vehicle or platform from which to start with. Let’s just call this an opportunity to begin with. These various opportunities will provide you with 3 types of income:

1)Income Today: This is your short term income that you will need to survive for the next 30 days or so. It pays for your food, shelter, comforts, and basic needs. As you can see, before even talking about financial freedom, obviously you would need to have enough money here first to live comfortably.

2) Income Tomorrow – Besides short-term income, you would need to plan for tomorrow and the near future too. This is the income that will see you through over the next few months and the rest of the year. You could create this short-term passive income through say owning a membership site where your customers pay you monthly, for instance.

3) Millionaire Income – This is the ultimate income that would set you free. With this income, you have the freedom to choose when you want to work or when you need a break. Now, the biggest mistake that most average people make is simply choosing the wrong opportunities that would fail to lead them to this stage.

Now, it is a reality that opportunities keep changing with time. It’s just like how you drive your car through different traffic conditions, where it’s pretty much the same process to take you from where you are today, to a higher income level.

Therefore, once you have chosen clearly the destination that you would be headed to, then it’s time to choose the most suitable vehicle to get you there.

If we look at all those wealth success stories, we would see that they have in fact used all 3 of the above incomes to get to where they are today.

Now bear this in mind: The more money you have does not necessarily equate to the more money you will make. It’s all about choosing the right opportunity and the ability to stay focused and follow through with it that truly counts.

Note: This article was adapted from Patric Chan, the author of WakeUp Millionaire. Discover his secrets of using the 3 components of Psychology, Opportunity and Mindset to become a WakeUp Millionaire here:
